Elementor #389

RB CAmp Duluth!

“You should really have a camp in Duluth.” Said one of my athletes. 

“OK! Let’s do it!”  My camp experiences have always left me with a ton more confidence and knowledge and I wanted to give that experience to my local athletes. Also, we have a ton of fun so I am always up for a weekend  devoted to training.

Last weekend, August 21-23, my coach and I hosted the inaugural rbCampDuluth!  

Friday we started out at beautiful Island Lake, just north of Duluth, with our talk on the important training topics: heart rate, recovery and fueling. Zone 1 is NOT recovery!   We then did a recovery run and swim. 

ePrior to our long ride Saturday morning, we fueled up with breakfast at The Social House. I find that we learn the most just through the casual conversations we have during times like these–Listening to others’ experiences and being able to ask questions. This breakfast was no different. We then headed out for our long ride.  For some of the athletes, this was the longest ride they’ve ever done. I was most proud of them because they worked the hardest and had to leave their comfort zones many times that morning.  When we were finished, we fueled and headed to the track for some speed work. My legs are still sore!!!

We ended the day at Lake Superior working on race simulation. Beach starts and some punchy swim/run style circuits.

Sunday! The last day of camp. Legs are heavy, everyone’s a little tired but we still had some work to do! The lake was so calm, we started with a swim working on more race simulation. These are the things you can’t do training on your own. This is the why you gain so much at camp!

We then headed out on the bike for a Time Trial (watt bombs!!) followed by a progressive run. 

 The first camp was a huge success. It was a weekend full of learning, leaving comfort zones, improving and gaining confidence. My hope is that everyone there would leave with more knowledge, more confidence, a love for the sport and much bigger goals and dreams and they did! I couldn’t be more proud of every one!  I was honored that these athletes came out to learn what we wanted to teach them.  It was a blast and we will be back next year!

Also, a huge thank you to Shawna Jokinen of Freeway North Photography for following us around and getting awesome photos of the weekend!